Tableau des tailles Nobile

The sizes for our dog collars from our nobile and leather collection are as follows:

The measurement is taken from the buckle to the first/smallest hole or from the buckle to the largest/last hole of the lay-down collar. Attention: The length and not the circumference is measured. Due to the thickness of the leather, 2-3 cm must be subtracted from the indicated length when the collar is closed. For example, if the dog's neck circumference is 32 cm, the collar should be at least 34 cm long to the first hole when lying down (this would be size S for our collars). If you have any questions about our sizes, please contact our style advisory service or customer service.

Length: 22cm - 26cm, Width: 1,7cm
Chihuahua, Havaneser, Zwergspitz, Yorkshire Terrier

Length: 25cm - 32cm, Width: 2cm
Jack Russel Terrier, Dackel, Malteser

Length: 31cm - 38cm, Width: 2,5cm
Mops, Französische Bulldogge, Beagle, Klein und Mittelpudel

Length: 38cm - 44cm, Width: 3cm
Welsh Corgi, Cocker Spaniel, Schnauzer, Foxterrier, Whippet

Length: 43cm - 51cm, Width: 3cm
Weimaraner, Boxer, Dalmatiner, Golden Retriever, Continental Bulldogge

Length: 50cm - 59cm, Width: 3,5cm
Rottweiler, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Bernhardiner, Schäferhund