Chien au bureau, partie 2 - Les histoires de chiens de bureau les plus drôles par William Walker Crew-Dog El Carlos #wwmoments

Hund im Büro

In our last post “Dog in the Office Part 1”, we told you what it takes to be a true office dog. If the conditions, such as permission from the boss and allergy-free coworkers, are met, then any four-legged friend can become an exemplary office dog. As always, practice makes perfect. Patience, understanding, and humor are just as important as targeted training and routine. After all, in life, it’s not perfection that writes the most beautiful and funniest stories, but chaos. That's why today we are sharing our funniest #wwmoments from the office life of William Walker's crew dog and experienced office dog, El Carlos.

Rotten Eggs in the Open Office

Before El Carlos took on his modeling and office dog job at William Walker, the Continental Bulldog was already brought to the office of a logistics company in Hamburg at the age of 4 months. I was responsible for reception and a lot of paperwork. As is often the case with puppies, the digestive tract of young dogs still needs some development. To this day, it remains unclear what exactly caused it. Was it the excitement or perhaps the carrot given to him by the nice colleague from the desk opposite? And how do you say this now, suddenly something was in the air. After about an hour, the fresh air in the open office had turned into a stinky breeding ground smelling of rotten eggs, sulfur, and diapers. El Carlos had such terrible gas, or as the veterinarian would put it, "flatulence," that the 15 employees from the ground floor had to relocate to other offices and conference rooms until the air could be returned to a tolerable state for humans through cross-ventilation and air freshener. Ms. Schubert, the accountant, swears to this day that the smell settled into the carpet and was detectable for at least 5 days. El Carlos got the rest of the day off, and fortunately, I was able to place him with very pet-loving and odor-tolerant friends. Even though the office had thick air for a short time, the dear colleagues soon gave the new office dog another chance, and this time everything went smoothly. For a long time, there were no more bad or smelly mishaps.

Who’s Sleeping Here?

But what kind of overachiever would El Carlos be if this little faux pas was all he had? Bulldogs are, after all, known for their fun-loving nature. It actually took a year and a half for El Carlos to give us the next story to laugh about. He was still working as an office dog in the logistics sector twice a week but had already started to move like a professional model in front of the William Walker team’s camera. He was definitely a busy young dog. In the logistics office, a change in management was pending, and the new boss was giving a speech to all employees at his appointment. El Carlos had become so relaxed that he completely fell asleep during the address - soundly and deeply. When the speaker kept stumbling over his words, everyone wondered, and no one understood his hesitation. After he interrupted the speech for the tenth time and looked around the room as if he was searching for something, he finally said, “Excuse me, how outrageous, who has been sleeping here the whole time?” Only then did the employees, who had grown accustomed to El Carlos, realize what he meant. The young male dog was lying on his back under the desk, snoring loudly as if he were sawing down half the rainforest. Embarrassed and a little red-faced, I explained that my dog has a very deep and loud sleep. El Carlos underscored my statement with a loud smack and a throaty snore. The entire office burst into roaring laughter - including the new boss. What started as an embarrassing situation turned into a great icebreaker, and the mood became much happier and more relaxed. Half an hour later, I finally regained my normal, less tomato-like complexion.

Have you experienced any funny office dog stories? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.


By Louisa Knoll

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Hund im Büro
Photo of the month #12